The LiceSnatcher - The Original

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Medical lice removal device - Prefered by professionals

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The LiceSnatcher Treatment.


In several countries, lice clinics have begun to emerge. The clinics offer to remove head lice mechanically. Because of this development The LiceSnatcher has been chosen as the most effective and hygienic treatment. There are no chemicals involved and everyone can tolerate it.
Infestation with lice is considered as a disease. Equipment used for treatment are therefore categorized as medical devices. This gives therapist a special responsibility regarding handling and the disinfection of the equipment before treating patients. It is the responsibility of health authorities to secure the EU rules of the Directive are followed. The LiceSnatcher has always been produced, distributed and marketing correctly according to these rules.
The clinics have contacted the manufacturer to unify and streamline the treatment setup.
That is the reason why the LiceSnatcher Group has been established. LiceSnatcher Group involves only members who follow the treatment principles and the strict hygiene requirements. These are the same requirements that apply throughout the world.

LiceSnatcher is envented in Denmark, we have caught head lice with suction for many years. Schools have removed lice menace through a common effort, in which parents and municipalities have removed the problem. Regular control has removed the threat of large outbreaks.
We are looking for clinics and partners in all parts of the world, contact us by E-mail ( or apply for membership.
LiceSnatcher Group, Denmark                                                                                                                                                                                              








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LiceSnatcher Group
Fjordbakken 36
4700 Naestved